Overcoming Money Mind Blocks
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As we approach Thanksgiving and the giving season I thought it would be a great time to share my giving story. #mygivingstory
My giving story is inspired by my dad, Jerry Burger, and founder of Friends From Iowa Foundation.
Last spring when my dad returned from one of his many trips to El Salvador, he told me about a woman named Mercedes.
Her story broke my heart.
Mercedes is a single mom with 7 children ranging in age from 2 - 16.
She works long hours each day to barely make $1.
Her children share a dirty mattress with multiple holes laid out on a dirt floor in a one room shack which they call home.
There is no indoor plumbing or kitchen.
The kids lack food and clothes.
They do; however, have smiles on their faces and Faith in their hearts in spite of it all. Read Mercedes' story here: Poverty's Face
Since hearing her story, Mercedes and her children have been on my mind and in my prayers.
My heart aches for her.
After listening to the Pursuit With Purpose Podcast with Chris Harder, I knew I had to TAKE ACTION.
Chris is a self-proclaimed "normal guy" from Wisconsin and host of a hit podcast, For The Love of Money, where he helps you overcome your money blocks and empowers you to give back.
One thing he said really resonated with me:
"When good people
make good money,
they can do great things."
I love to help people and for the longest time I thought that meant giving away my time and talents for free.
This has only left me tired and unfulfilled.
And then it hit me: I have been afraid to make money from my talents.
Talk about a life changing moment...
What if I took that same time and talent and helped others Launch, Learn and Grow their WordPress websites?
Ultimately, I would be able to make MORE money and help MORE people.
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This is why I started the We Give Love project to benefit Mercedes' family and others like hers.
>>10% of every WordPress web design project through the rest of the year will directly benefit a friend in El Salvador through one of the many projects supported by Friends From Iowa Foundation.

Jerry is a retired farmer, husband and father of six with a passion and calling to change the world. He has organized, developed and funded numerous projects for the people of Berlin, Usulután, El Salvador. Some recent successes at the Foundation include building the first library, a kitchen to feed the homeless, and wheelchairs for physical therapy patients.
He desires to give individuals a sense of self worth, dignity and show them they are loved. Jerry feels the people of El Salvador have blessed him in ways they will never know through their faithfulness to God, compassion for one another, and love for life.
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. It also kicks off the giving season where we focus on holiday and year-end giving.
This Giving Tuesday would you consider making a donation to support Friends From Iowa Foundation?

ABOUT | Friends From Iowa Foundation
Click below to learn how they help the people of El Salvador.
Give Them Shelter
Give Them Opportunity
Give Them Care
Give Them Hope
What's your giving story?
Please consider giving to Friends From Iowa Foundation today: